August 5, 2022

Email Subject
Update from Provost Jim Clark on Sandels Building

Dear Sandels Building Colleagues and Students,

I’m pleased to share this week’s update with you as we work on the Sandels Building.

The following progress has taken place since my previous update:

  • The installation of the radon mitigation active soil depressurization system is expected to be completed today, August 5.
  • The moisture investigation in the administrative offices on the third and fourth floors has been completed. No active mold growth was found in the spaces where wall cabinets were removed. The walls in both offices will be cleaned and painted as soon as possible.
  • Painting of the areas repaired due to mold mitigation is expected to begin by August 8.
  • The new carpet installation is complete on the fourth floor and in Suite 207. The rubber wall base for the fourth floor is expected to be completed early next week. The remaining new carpet materials for the second floor are due to ship approximately the third week of August.
  • Sealing of the basement slab against future moisture and radon intrusions, which is a supplementary component of the active mitigation system, will begin as soon as the materials arrive.
  • In an abundance of caution, the project team is re-examining areas of the building that have undergone remediation.
  • Dean Andrew, the Facilities project manager, classroom support representatives, and other stakeholders, toured the building this week to review progress and assess the building’s status and readiness for fall semester.

If you have questions that have not been addressed in an update, on the Sandels Response website or in the FAQs, please email, and we will answer your individual questions to the best of our ability.

Best regards,

Jim Clark
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

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