April 22, 2022

Email Subject
Update from Provost Jim Clark on Sandels Building

Dear Sandels Building Colleagues and Students,

I am reaching out to share a detailed report of the university’s work over the past week to address concerns regarding the Sandels Building. I’m pleased that there has been much progress on the project since my last update.

• The FSU Facilities lead project manager assigned last week has been working with different Facilities teams to complete various sub-projects, implement a common project management structure, and coordinate the portfolio of work.

• The fume hood specifications completed last week have been reviewed by the external Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Facilities Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) unit, the consulting mechanical engineer, and the researchers. All parties found them to be acceptable, and the specifications have been submitted to Procurement for purchasing.

• A preferred building exhaust system has been selected following discussions involving the campus executive team, researchers, the external CIH, Facilities EHS, and the Radon Consultants. The decision has been made to proceed with the recommended high plume exhaust system. This type of system carries added safety for the researchers and promotes the success of their work. It allows for a make-up air handling unit (AHU), or redundant fan, that will significantly improve the lab function. In addition, in the case of a single fan outage, this type of exhaust system enables all hoods to maintain proper operational status. Due to supply chain challenges, the current estimated delivery for this critical equipment is projected for mid-October. At present, it is likely that the anticipated completion date for the lab will need to be adjusted to accommodate. At this time, all other project elements related to Phase 1 are largely on track. I will provide more information as it becomes available.

• The consulting mechanical engineer contracted by the university was scheduled to deliver the specifications for the HVAC air handling unit today (April 22). The parameters will undergo a short review period before AHU specifications are released to Procurement. Procurement and the project manager will coordinate the equipment lead time with the overall project construction schedule as it relates to this dynamic.

• The decision concerning the relocation of the ultra-low temp freezers is still pending. Due to the HVAC cleaning schedule, it is likely that the freezers will not be relocated at the present time.

• In relation to the building envelope and moisture intrusion concerns, Campus Design is coordinating a structural analysis conducted by a licensed structural engineer to investigate structural settlement while the project team reviews historical documentation for relevant material to the current conditions.

• A purchase order has been issued for the relocation of the equipment in the basement. Work is being coordinated by the department.

• A proposal for mold remediation was received this week. Facilities reviewed and met with the CIH to coordinate the schedule, ensuring the remediation work can occur immediately upon execution of the purchase order and mobilization by the certified mold remediation contractor. The CIH will confirm that the mold remediation has been successfully attained after the contractor completes work. Any occupants in the previously announced construction zones who have not removed their personal items from the bookshelves and the general vicinity need to respond. Remediation work will be ramping up in those areas very soon.

• While the development of Phase 2 has already been initiated, the project management team will work closely with executive leadership to ensure that the scope of Phase 2 is established and understood. Upon ordering critical equipment, the team’s focus will transition to the development of construction drawings and further developing the finer points of the Phase 2 scope and workable schedule.

I cannot overemphasize that the health and safety of the campus community remains the university’s utmost priority. Thank you again for your continued patience as I continue to provide information as it becomes available.

If you have questions that have not been addressed in one of my updates, on the Sandels Response website or in the FAQs, please email sandelsresponse@fsu.edu, and we will answer your individual questions to the best of our ability.

Best regards,

Jim Clark
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

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